onsdag 4 maj 2011

Hej. Jag heter Paulina

Sitter och läser om mitt namn:

Paulina reminds me of a flower - don't know why, just does! :) 
it's very pretty sounding.. 
in otherwords, I think of the person as kind, gorgeous, smart, delicate, blonde or brown or redish hair? 

For me it sounds like an old fashioned name suitable for a spoiled young lady. Still, it depends on the pronunciation as well.

A made up name for some one whos had a sex change from male to female ...just being honest

Paulina makes me think of a smart and polite young woman. I imagine she has dark hair and pretty eyes, freckles too.

I don't like Pauline, I find it terribly dated, but oddly enough I don't mind Paulina. It has a pretty, very feminine sound, despite having Paul in i

Pretty name. I picture a nice, friendly, Hispanic girl

Paulina is one of a few feminine variation of the popular name Paul. Paul is from the Latin ‘paulus’ which means ‘Humble’. The name is not uncommon in Britain but is especially popular in Poland and Italy. Paulina Rubio is a Mexican singer and actress who has achieved world fame.

a beautiful polish girl that has a big heart. she loves kids, and is nice to everyone unless you get on her bad side. she is not judgemental at all. she is funny and never shuts up. she is crazy and loves to have fun, but she knows when to be serious. she is just generally an amazing person.

A girl who needs to start feeling better and cope with how her life is changing because its changing for her better; has friends to back her up and make her life good(even some friends to make her life sexually good). Also, commonly characterized by nerdiness, talkative, beautiful, smart, perceptive, caring, sexy, no common sense, bad at telling jokes, and despite popular belief has great girlfriend qualities.
Dude, that chick the bomb. Her name has to be Paulina
slang word for breasts  (hahahaha!)
Måst ge kredit till urbandictionary! Ger mig goda skratt i dåliga tider ;)
Nej, nu skall jag traska iväg. Morjens!

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